Assessment & Promotion Policy

The Al Majd Private School Assessment Policy outlines the framework for evaluating and promoting student learning and achievement from grade 1 to 6. The policy encompasses a merit system, assessment methods, grading systems, examination procedures, and promotion policies that aim to foster a positive learning environment.

We look forward to recognizing and celebrating students’ accomplishments and commitment to their learning through these awards.

The academic year is divided into three terms: autumn, spring, and summer. Assessments are conducted during the following periods:

  • Classwork
  • Homework
  • Individual Projects/Assignments
  • Team/Class Projects
  • Class Participation
  • Quizzes and Monthly Assessments
  • Behavior
  • End-of-Term Examinations


Grading System

Assessment TypeConsiderationsScore
Quizzes and Monthly TestsMinimum of 2 monthly tests per term20 marks
Individual Projects/AssignmentsMinimum of 1 project per term10 marks
AttendanceConsideration for medical reasons5 marks
Participation and BehaviorRubrics must be developed10 marks
ClassworkMinimum of 5 assessed activities per term5 marks
End of Term ExaminationExam covering entire curriculum50 marks

Promotion to the next grade is based on cumulative results across the three terms, with the following criteria:

  • Minimum 50% aggregate across all subjects.
  • Continuous internal assessments will guide promotion decisions in Grade-1.
  • A detailed report on each child's performance is shared with parents on 'Open Day.'
  • Students must maintain 70% attendance during the academic year; a waiver of up to 10% may be granted on compassionate grounds.
  • Conditional promotion may apply for students failing in up to two subjects, requiring a minimum of 50% in subsequent examinations.
  • Re-examinations will only be conducted for genuine reasons with appropriate documentation.


Behavior & Participation Rubrics

Grading Category9-108-74-61-3
Active ParticipationConsistently responds and contributesSometimes respondsRarely respondsRarely participates
BehaviorAlways interactiveInteractive almost every sessionOccasionally interactiveOften distracts


This assessment policy is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating student progress while fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment at Al Majd Private School. Teachers and staff are encouraged to utilize this policy to promote student achievement and well-being throughout the academic year.

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